Biweekly update: Project Demo Musings
Progress on the project
A big thank you to everyone who provided feedback on my project and its direction over the past week internally on Teams. Bearing in mind everyone’s suggestions, I revised my project proposal over the past week (detailed in my last blog post).
Due to my time constraints I plan to pick any implementation of a mesh compression algorithm (hopefully a geometry images algorithm) that will be feasible to complete within the remainder of the term. Since I anticipate this algorithm will not work in a real-time setting, I would like to (time permitting) compare it to the other pre-existing algorithms/formats that were suggested to me such as Nanite (thank you Victor), and Draco or tmf (thank you Matthew).
Project demo structure
This week I have also focused on determining the structure for my upcoming project presentation (demo video). Taking into account that the project demonstration is intended to be a “marketing showcase” of my work, I intend to show my working code, as well as present a basic overview of any math involved so that anyone interested can read about the project’s in-depth details on this website.
I still need to decide how I will visually present my project. So far I have considered the following:
- Slideshow presentation
- Vlog-style cold open
- Animation
On the point of animation, I doubt I have the time to animate something to showcase my project, but on the off-chance you are seeking video presentation ideas, Grant (3blue1brown) Sanderson’s Manim software is incredibly sophisticated. He uses it for all of his YouTube videos.
I also have added \(\KaTeX\) support to this blog in the hopes that my next update will include some mathematical equations that I will need to render.